Present: Mr Ken Brown (chair), Mrs J Burton, Mr K Larkin, Mr D Palmer, Mr D Purnell, Mr D Roberts, Mr R Symons.

Two members of the public attended the meeting.

District Councillors: Mrs C Braun, Mr K Tucker

County Councillor:

The Clerk: Mrs E Oakley

The Chairman opened the Parish Council Meeting.

  1. The Chairman invited apologies. Apologies had been received from District Cllr G Butcher, County Cllr J Cordwell

  1. To Elect a Chairman of the Parish Council for the year 2019/20. Cllr K Brown was elected as chair of the parish council for the year 2019/20.

  1. To Elect a Vice-Chairman of the Parish Council for the year 2019/20. Cllr D Purnell was elected as vice chair of the parish council for the year 2019/20.

  1. To Elect Councillors onto the following Committees & Groups at which the Parish Council is to be represented during 2019/20. Councillors were elected as parish council representatives for organisations for the year 2019/20:

  1. Parish Councillors to receive and sign Declarations of Acceptance of Office and to receive forms for Register of Members’ Interests as required under the Localism Act 2011. The clerk acknowledged receipt of completed form for Register of Members Interests for Cllr D Roberts as co-opted councillor. The clerk requested details of any other changes to all member’s interests and councillors confirmed there were no changes.

  1. To receive any Declarations of Interests from Councillors relating to this Meeting. There were no declarations of interest.

  1. The Council approved and signed the Minutes of the Ordinary Council Meeting held on 8th April 2019 as a true record. The Minutes of the April Ordinary Meeting of the Council had previously been distributed to all members and displayed on the public notice boards and the website. All members agreed the Minutes should be signed as a true and accurate record. The Minutes were duly signed by the Chairman.

  1. The Council noted matters arising from the Minutes, not covered by agenda items.

9 The Chairman closed the Meeting for Public Discussion and Questions.

The Chairman re-opened the Meeting without further discussion.

10. The Council considered and commented upon the following Planning Applications:

Application Number: S.19/0827/HHOLD Location: Elmcote Farm, Swinhay Lane, Swinhay, Wotton-Under-Edge. Application Type: Householder Application Description: Proposed single storey extension.

The council agreed to make no comment.

11.The Council noted the following Planning Application decisions by Stroud DC Planning:

Application Number: S.19/0367/LBC Black Horse Inn 1 Barrs Lane North Nibley Dursley Gloucestershire GL11 6DT. Proposed new stud partition and door and frame to first floor Manager's kitchen. Approved

Application Number: S.19/0358/VAR Five Acres Millend Lane North Nibley Dursley Gloucestershire GL11 6ED. Removal of Condition (a) of permission S.7115 (5/10/1966) to allow occupation by a person not employed in agriculture. Refused

Application Number: S.19/0354/HHOLD The Annexe Cedar Lodge Pitt Court North Nibley Dursley Gloucestershire GL11 6EB. Proposed first floor extension to the annexe. Refused

  1. The Council received a written District Council Report. The Council received a written report from District Cllr Ken Tucker. The chairman thanked Cllr K Tucker for his report.

  1. The Council received a written County Council Report. The council received a combined written report from County Councillor Dr J Cordwell. The chairman thanked Cllr J Cordwell for his report.

  1. To receive and discuss Reports of Committees and Meetings attended by Parish Councillors and the Clerk.

Cllr J Burton reported that she and Cllr D Roberts had carried out annual cleaning and tidying in the village hall. An area of damp in the store cupboard had been noted.

Cllr K Brown reported since the initial meeting with Edward Bond of the Cotswold Conservation Board concerning possible grant funding for educational purposes on The Knoll, he had left several phone messages but not heard further. Any grant income available would therefore likely fall into the next financial year.

Cllr R Symons had meetings with Highways related to the speed project but this would be reported separately under item 18.

15. Parish Council Finances.

1/ to approve the Invoices and draw up cheques for items on the enclosed Payments Schedule. Council approved payments:

a/ Treecreeper Arborists

Tree survey work Cemetery; Works to Tree numbers 1137, 1138, 1139, 1140, 1142

1144, 1145, 1152, 0045, 0051, 0093 £3,190.00, and tree work in Churchyard Total £3,640.00

b/ Broxap, installation of adult recreation equipment £1,260.00

c/ Broxap, purchase of adult recreation equipment £3,309.60

d/ Cllr D Purnell presented Mrs Jean Palmer, Burial Clerk, with a cheque as honorarium to thank her for her work on behalf of the council. £150.00

2/ to consider quotes for scheduled work. Councillors considered but agreed to set aside the option to purchase a metal outer box for the defib at the village hall. Cllrs J Burton and K Brown undertook to test the defib six times a year on a two monthly interval with the first being on15th June.

3/ to consider and approve the statements of accounts financial year 2018/2019. The clerk presented accounts statements for the financial year. These showed opening and closing balances for the three accounts. Two statements also showed payments and receipts during the year to bank reconciliation. The third would also show this when prepared for the internal and external audit procedures.

The clerk undertook to research details of new savings deposit account options from three local bank and building society branches for comparison for the June council meeting. The savings strategy need include priorities of security and access as well as interest rates available. The clerk may also contact GAPTC for advice on savings options.

4/ to receive an update on internal audit for financial year 2018/2019. Councillors agreed to access GAPTC internal audit service this year and the clerk to acquire details of procedures and costs involved. The chair would exercise discretion for the costs of a reasonable GAPTC proposal as soon as these details became available and the audit could go ahead. The clerk advised the approved audit papers need to be published by the 1st July.

5/to consider issues related to grant options. Cllr K Brown reported the amount of the annual grant sum for the land at The Knoll had been previously resolved and the issue of monies available through grants for The Knoll was on going.

  1. To receive and approve Cemetery and Closed Churchyard Reports

The burial clerk reported she had received a large diagrammatic map of the cemetery. This was probably the original map. Also a box for documents with items dating back to the 1950's consisting mainly of notifications of burials and interments, green forms and requests for installation of memorials. Gloucestershire Archives are able to take some documents for storage, if required, at no cost to the council.

The burial clerk had produced a list of items that could be submitted to the Gloucester County Archives. The clerk had some notes on guidance for the retention and storage of various types of council files to include burial which she would send to the burial clerk. Councillors advised to take the original diagrammatic map to James and Owen to copy. Cllr D Palmer is measuring all areas not part of the main map. Councillors agreed to forward what was possible to the archives. The burial clerk would make a separate list of ownership of graves.

A family had requested permission to straighten the memorial of their relative. New grass seed had been sown by Cllr D Palmer on graves that were left with soil deposit, and around the stump of one fir tree that was felled last year.

In the churchyard the ivy spraying has been very effective and almost all ivy is dying from the wall adjoining the neighbouring property. In April Cllr D Palmer removed loose dead ivy and cut through many of the thick stems. The wall appears in good condition. When all the wall is exposed it is possible to undertake any repairs required and the wall may be repointed. It may be necessary to remove and reseat some of the capping stones where the ivy has burrowed beneath them. Councillors agreed recent photographs showed the wall in the best condition for many years, and it was advisable to leave this except for pointing and to wait to clear all ivy before other work commenced.

The churchyard grass has been cut by the contractors as has the work commissioned for the tree survey been completed. The ivy on the south wall is dying off after being sprayed earlier this year. Cllr D Roberts reported fresh growth on Church Lane that needs spraying and this could be monitored.

17. To receive an update on recreation project. The clerk had secured monies from the planning gain option for the project subject to completing the claims process for obtaining funding. As regards risk management assessment of the new equipment needs to be added to new recreation field risk management policy. The clerk undertook to write to the donator of the initial grant which is being used for the recreation project to thank him for his voluntary contribution. Articles were planned for OTE to inform parishioners of the new equipment.

18. To receive an update on speed measures project. Councillors approved the speed sub group’s proposals for installation of an ANPR (Automatic Number Plate Recognition) system. Parishioners as a whole would support this and the system had been raised and was well received at the annual parish meeting. Police are currently providing guidance on the siting of the cameras which both face both ways: that is towards incoming and outgoing traffic. The poles would also need to be erected. A meeting on the 22nd May with the Police would progress planning for the sites to be used. Kingswood Parish Council Clerk has offered supportive advice on the basis of their own experience of ANPR.  It is hoped the clerk can attend either the June or July council meeting to explain how they use data from their system. As regards the data produced by the cameras this can be downloaded weekly but several months of data would be required to see the overall pattern. Cllr D Palmer was available to assist with handling data. Police will also have access to the data and to number plates.

19. To consider issues related to parking. Cllr D Roberts reported on incidents of parking on verges but confirmed there was no set pattern observed. January and February had been very busy and over three or four weekends subsequently. More recently there was parking on the verge opposite cemetery of five or six cars, although this was not creating an obstruction on what was not registered land. The issue would continue to be monitored especially on the pavement opposite and alongside the phone box.

20. To receive for information details of Correspondence received. The clerk had received instructions for the Community Infrastructure Levy and records required to be kept. A CIL template to show income for 2018/2019 was required to be completed even if as applied this year the return was zero.

There being no further business the chairman closed the meeting at 9.15 pm.

The next Meeting of the Parish Council will be held in the Village Hall on Monday 3rd June 2019