North Nibley Parish Council



Present: Mr. D Purnell (Chairman).

Mr K Brown; Mrs K Glancy; Mr K Larkin; & Mr L Smitherman

District Councillors: Mrs J Cordwell & Mr P Smith.

County Councillor: Dr. J Cordwell.

The Clerk: Mr R Symons.

  1. To Receive and Accept Apologies for absence.

The Meeting accepted apologies from Mr S Hale & Mr D Palmer.

  1. Declaration of Interests.

The Chairman invited members to declare any interests. There were none.

  1. To Approve and Sign the Minutes of the Meeting held on 4 July 2011, as a true record.

The Minutes had previously been distributed to all members and displayed on public notice boards and the website. All members agreed the Minutes should be signed, as a true and accurate record. The Minutes were duly signed.

  1. The Council noted Matters arising from the Minutes that were not covered by agenda items.

The Clerk’s Update Note, which had been issued prior to the Meeting, informed the Council:

  1. that North Nibley won the prize for “Best Newcomer” to the Gloucestershire Vibrant Village competition and will receive £100. There have been some suggestions made on how the money should be spent (donate to Nibley Knoll Trust; contribution to OTE; invite suggestions from OTE readers; use it for a Village website). Councillors have also been invited to make suggestions;

  2. during week commencing 27 June, Gloucestershire CC Rights of Way carried out much needed repairs to Wood Lane. Unfortunately they only did part of the lane;

  3. Mr Noel Banks (Cotswold Warden) and his team have completed the installation of the bench on Parish Council land at the Knoll;

  4. following the issue of draft minutes, Mrs Bird wrote to the Clerk regarding their planning applications. As a result I have amended typographical errors in the draft minutes. The amended Minutes were subsequently circulated. The Clerk has also responded to Mrs Bird’s other comments. These exchanges were sent to Councillors on 21 & 22 July. (See below **)

  5. the Parish Council column in On The Edge has been used to invite other organisations in the Parish to meet with the Council to discuss how we should celebrate the Queen’s Jubilee in June 2012;

  6. that he has not yet been able to speak to the head teacher at the School regarding the tree in memory of Mrs. Edna Purnell. The Clerk will write to the head teacher.

** In response to discussions on 4 (4) above the Council asked the Clerk to ascertain the legal position about Councillors making public comments as private individuals on planning applications. The Clerk said he would take advice.

  1. The Council were made aware of the following Planning Applications:

  1. The Council noted that an Appeal has been lodged against the Decision of Stroud DC to refuse planning permission for the proposed Wind Turbine site at Berkeley Vale. It also received a request from Stinchcombe Parish Council to continue the support previously given (April 2011) to their Objection to the planning application. The Council was invited to send a Councillor to a joint meeting of the parties contesting the Appeal. In response to a question, the Clerk advised the Council that the Appeal will be heard at a Public Inquiry. Mr Larkin brought to the Council’s attention that potentially the Council might be liable to meet legal costs should they decide on legal representation. The Clerk agreed to find out the position. Mr Smitherman said that although the previous Council had supported the Objection, he personally favoured wind turbines as a means of generating electricity.

  1. The Council noted the decision of Stroud District Planning Authority to grant Planning Permission for:

  1. The Chairman closed the Meeting for public discussion and invited questions.

There were no questions.

  1. The Council received an Information Paper on Standing Orders, Financial Regulations & Code of Conduct. The Clerk explained that with several new Councillors in position he hoped that Councillors found it helpful to have this information made available in this format. The Chairman thanked the Clerk.

  1. The Council received a written District Council Report from District Councillor Paul Smith. Mr Smith informed the Council that e-consultation on Planning Applications (due for introduction in October 2011, had been challenged by Scrutiny Committee. As a result further consultation could be expected. The Clerk was asked to check whether GAPTC were involved in any consultation.

The Clerk advised the Council that the impact of e-consultation would be that either the Parish Council would in future not be able to fully access all planning papers at their meetings or that the Council would need to purchase a laptop computer and projector. The Clerk was requested to find out what other parish councils were doing.

  1. The Council received a written County Council Report from County Councillor Dr John Cordwell. In response to a discussion about the ‘Bus Review, Cllr. Cordwell assured the Parish Council that their comments had been included.

  1. The Chairman invited Parish Councillors to report on any Meetings they have attended.

  1. Finances.

  1. The Clerk advised the Council that he had been in discussion with Gloucestershire County Council Rights of Way about the area of Wood Lane which had not been repaired and still needed for the mud to be scraped from the surface. He had secured agreement from Rights of Way to fund up to £150 of the cost. He had received a verbal quote for £150 to £200 to carry out the work and was requesting that the Council approve expenditure up to £50. Following discussion this was agreed and the Clerk was instructed to get the work carried out.

  2. The Council approved the following Invoices for payment and signed the cheques:

  1. The Council received the July written report on the Cemetery, deferred until this Meeting. (See attached).

  1. Following discussion it was agreed that the Council should visit the Cemetery at 6.45 pm on evening of 5 September Parish Council Meeting to look at the Memorial Garden. It was also suggested that the Clerk should investigate the possibility of Community Service carrying out the work.

  2. The need to determine and reserve a clear access to the new area of the Cemetery was explained.

  3. It was suggested that works to repair the main path should be scheduled for a future date. Funds would need to be budgeted for this work.

  4. The Clerk was asked to bring to the Council details of Cemetery Income & Expenditure for previous years.

  1. The Council received for information details of Correspondence received. (See list attached).

There being no further business the Meeting ended at 8.50 pm

The next Meeting of the Parish Council will be held in the Village Hall on Monday 5 September 2011 at 7.30 pm.