North Nibley Parish Council



Present: Mrs EA James (Chairman); Mr K Brown; Mrs A Hale; Mrs. P Kelly; & Mr D Palmer.

District Councillor: Mrs J Cordwell

The Clerk: Mr R Symons.

Three members of the public

At the start of the Meeting the Chairman presented Mr R Smith with a picture and scroll in recognition of his 20 years service to the Parish Council and Community.

  1. To Receive and Accept Apologies for absence.

The following apologies were accepted:

Mr D Purnell; Mrs K Glancy

District Councillors: Mr P Smith.; & Mr A O’Connor.

County Councillor: Dr. J Cordwell.

  1. Declaration of Interests.

The Chairman invited members to declare any interests. There were none.

  1. To Approve and Sign the Minutes of the Meeting held on 7 February 2011, as a true and accurate record.

The Minutes had previously been distributed to all members and displayed on public notice boards and the website. All members agreed the Minutes should be signed, as a true and accurate record. The Minutes were duly signed.

  1. The Council noted Matters arising from the Minutes that were not covered by agenda items.

The Clerk’s Update Note, which had been issued prior to the Meeting, informed the Council that:

  1. He had spoken with Gloucestershire Highways about the Lay-by on New Road. (Minute 6/02/2011) who confirmed that they do not have responsibility for this piece of land. Following referral to Stroud DC, Public Spaces advised that the land outside No1 New Road was sold to the householder, whilst the land outside Nos. 3, 5 & 7 remains in ownership of the District Council and is subject to an agreement with Gloucestershire Highways. That states that the land title is subject to agreement and it will be dedicated for highway purposes. The agreement, made in April 1980, has still to be concluded. The Clerk will write to Stroud DC Housing setting out the Parish Council’s concerns about the state of the surface.

  2. three Councillors (Mrs Glancy, Mrs James and Mrs Kelly) attended a “Power of Well Being” training event on 21 March. He recommended that the Council should make a contribution to Kingswood Parish Council towards their costs. (Agenda Item 12 (1)).

  3. he has responded on behalf of the Parish Council about the Local Government Boundary Review of Gloucestershire. (Minute 12/02/2011).

  4. he has responded on behalf of the Parish Council about the Stroud District Council review of Development limits. (Minute 13/02/2011). .

  5. he has started drawing up publicity for the Parish Meeting 4 April 2011. (Minute 14/02/2011). . The Recreation Field Trust has agreed to do a short presentation. The Clerk has used On The Edge to invite further agenda ideas.

  6. some Councillors met at Breakheart Hill on Saturday 19 February to see the condition of the land. In accordance with Minute 15/02/2011:

  1. the following actions have been taken towards organising the Parish Clean-Up Day. (Minute 16/02/2011).:

  1. the Clerk has written to Mr George in response to a request for donation to Wotton under Edge Swimming Pool. (Minute 17/02/2011). The Council still needs to ascertain if North Nibley parishioners use the Pool. If they don’t, the Council has no authority to make any financial contribution.

  1. the Clerk also advised the Council that:

  1. The Meeting was closed for Public Discussion and Questions.

The Clerk was asked to contact Severn Trent Water to ascertain the cost of installing a water supply at the Council land on Breakheart Hill.

  1. The Parish Council considered and commented upon the following Applications received from Stroud District Council:

  1. S.11/0217/FUL. Land opposite Lake Lodge, Stancombe. “Sitting of temporary agricultural workers dwelling”.

  2. S.11/0227/FUL. Land opposite Lake Lodge, Stancombe. “Creation of new vehicular access, erection of agricultural building, retention of electricity meter box and hard standing ancillary works”.

The applicants for both these applications were present at the Meeting and after closing the Meeting the Chairman invited Mr & Mrs Bird to comment upon their two applications and to answer the Council’s questions. Following a full and open discussion about the applications the Chairman thanked the applicants for the additional information.

The Chairman reopened the Council meeting and invited Councillors to comment. The Council decided to Object to the applications on the following grounds:

Application S.11/0217/FUL.

Application S.11/0227/FUL.

  1. S.11/0391/FUL. Kitesnest House, Swinhay. “First floor extension”.

Following discussion the Council decided to make No Observations on this application.

  1. The Council noted Planning Consent has been granted in respect of:

  1. District Councillor Mrs J Cordwell had previously submitted her written District Council Report. (See attached). The Council noted the contents of the Report. Mrs Cordwell informed the Council that on 9 March there is a meeting between Wotton under Edge, Cam & Dursley Town Councils to discuss the Youth Project. Some North Nibley young people use the current facilities. There were no further comments on the Report.

  1. County Councillor Dr J Cordwell provided a written report (See attached) which was presented in his absence. The Council noted the contents of the Report.

  1. To Receive and Discuss Reports of Committees and Meetings attended by Parish Councillors.

  1. The Council discussed whether they should enter Gloucestershire Vibrant Village for 2011 Competition. Following discussion it was agreed that, due to the closing date of 4 April, there was insufficient time to submit a quality application. The Clerk agreed to put this onto the December Agenda to enable the Council to consider their position for the 2012 Competition and have sufficient time to make an entry.

  1. Finances. It was reported that the Building Society Account set up in conjunction with the Parish Plan had been closed and the money transferred to the bank account. All receipts and associated documents are now with the Clerk.

  1. The Council approved the following Invoices and drew up cheques to make payments for:

    1. The Clerk reported that Tyndale Monument Trust had made a request that the Parish Council should erect a directional sign on the Island. (Countryside Act 1968 s.27). Visitors are finding it difficult to find the access to Wood Lane. The Clerk produced an example which he had been sent by Gloucestershire CC. Following discussion the Council agreed to pay £38.18 plus VAT for a sign. Gloucestershire CC has agreed to pay for erecting the sign.

  1. The Clerk presented a written statement of the latest financial position of the Parish Council. As at 6 March the Council had £8,470.78 in its bank accounts.

  1. Following an earlier suggestion, the Council considered and agreed to plant a tree in memory of Edna Purnell, probably on Parish Council land at the Recreation Field in an area near the School. (LGA 1972 S.137). It was agreed that the Clerk should contact the Recreation Field Trust to check that they had no objections; he will also check that the covenant on the land does not prohibit such arrangements; and subsequently Mrs Hale should raise the matter with the School Governors.

  1. The Clerk informed Councillors about the arrangements for the forthcoming Parish Council Elections. Following discussions he agreed to arrange for posters to be displayed and other means used in order to (a) encourage people to stand for the Council & (b) to encourage voters to turn up on Polling Day.

Following discussion the Council decided that it would not ask the District Council to produce additional Polling Cards, at an estimated cost of £180 to the Parish Council.

The Clerk advised Councillors that nomination forms would be sent out to him in the near future; and that the period for submitting Nominations closed at noon on Monday 4 April.

  1. There were no matters about the Cemetery to report.

  1. The Council received a written report on Correspondence received by the Council.

The Clerk reported that earlier that day he had received a request from Gloucestershire Rural Communities Council (GRCC) seeking the Council’s approval to permit GRCC to put details of the Parish Plan on their database. The Council agreed to this request.

The Chairman reminded the Council that the next meeting of the Council follows the Parish Meeting on 4 April 2011.

The Meeting ended at 9.50 pm.