North Nibley Parish Council



Present: Mrs EA James (Chairman); Mr D Purnell; Mr K Brown; Mrs A Hale; & Mrs. P Kelly.

District Councillors: Mrs J Cordwell; & Mr P Smith.

County Councillor: Dr. J Cordwell.

The Clerk: Mr R Symons.

Four members of the public present for parts of the Meeting.

  1. To Receive and Accept Apologies for absence.

The following apologies were accepted:

Mr D Palmer.

District Cllr. A. O’Connor emailed his apologies at the start of the meeting.

  1. Declaration of Interests.

The Chairman invited members to declare any interests. The following Councillors made declarations:

Mr D Purnell declared a Prejudicial Interest for Item 7 (1).

Mrs A Hale declared a Prejudicial Interest for Item 7 (2).

Mrs P Kelly declared a Prejudicial Interest for Item 7(2).

  1. To Approve and Sign the Minutes of the Meeting held on 1 November 2010, as a true and accurate record.

The Minutes had previously been distributed to all members and displayed on public notice boards and the website. All members agreed that the Minutes should be signed as a true and accurate record. The Minutes were duly signed.

  1. The Council noted Matters arising from the Minutes that were not covered by agenda items.

The Clerk’s Update Note, which had been issued prior to the Meeting, informed the Council that he had:

  1. The Meeting was closed for Public Discussion and Questions.

There being no matters, the Chairman re-opened the Meeting.

  1. The Council discussed filling the vacancy for a Councillor on the Parish Council for the period to the May 2011 Elections.

The Clerk reported that in response to an advertisement (on notice boards) he had received a letter of interest from Mrs Katie Glancy. The Clerk advised the Council that she meets the criteria (LG Act 1972 s.79) to become a Parish Councillor.

The Chairman invited Mrs Glancy to speak. She informed the Council that she has lived in North Nibley for 7 years; has 2 children and lives in Forthay. She confirmed that she understood the role of a Councillor and requested to be considered for the vacancy. Following discussion the Council agreed to appoint Mrs Glancy by co-opting her for the period to the May 2011 Elections. The Clerk arranged for Mrs Glancy to sign the Declaration of Acceptance of Office and to complete the Register of Members’ Personal Interests.

Mrs Glancy took her position at the Meeting.

  1. The Parish Council considered and commented upon the following Planning Applications received from Stroud District Council:

  1. S.10/2168/HHOLD. Dovert Cottage, Stancombe. “Proposed single storey extension and alteration to the roof pitch”.

  1. S.10/2208/HHOLD. Cotshill, Wotton Road, North Nibley. “Demolition of existing single storey extension and erection of replacement single storey extension. Erection of lean-to extension to existing garage”.

  1. S.10/2321/HHOLD. Waterley Bottom Cottage, Waterley Bottom. “Proposed balcony, porch, roof lights, alteration and addition of windows and doors”.

The Council agreed to close the Meeting to permit members of the public to speak about the Applications.

  1. Mr Findlay explained the basis of his application, which followed from his earlier application which had been rejected by Stroud Planning. This new Application had been submitted following advice from the Planners.

  2. Mr Kelly presented his application to the Council. He explained the planned extensions to his property, which stands on a third of an acre of land. He has spoken to his neighbours, who supported this application.

  3. Mr Larkin, a neighbour of this applicant, requested to speak on this application. He was concerned about three matters:

On completion of these comments the Chairman re-opened the Meeting.

  1. S.10/2168/HHOLD. Dovert Cottage, Stancombe.

Mr Purnell left the Meeting.

Following discussions the Council agreed to Support this application as they considered it met all the criteria to satisfy Stroud District Local Plan Policy HN16.

Mr Purnell returned to the Meeting.

  1. S.10/2208/HHOLD. Cotshill, Wotton Road, North Nibley.

Mrs Hale & Mrs Kelly left the Meeting.

Following discussions the Council agreed to Support this application as they considered it met all the criteria to satisfy Stroud District Local Plan Policy HN16.

Mrs Hale & Mrs Kelly returned to the Meeting.

  1. S.10/2321/HHOLD. Waterley Bottom Cottage, Waterley Bottom.

Following discussion the Council agreed to make the following comments about this application:

That the intent of Stroud District Plan (para. 5.16.1) Policy HN16, is not met and they are concerned that the new window on the East Elevation overlooks the neighbouring house which is in close proximity”. Also that “the Council is concerned that works to widen the entrance to the road could undermine and put at risk the boundary hedge which is at a higher level”.

The Council agreed that the access to the well was not a planning issue, so they would not make any comments on this issue.

  1. The Council noted that Planning Consent has been granted in respect of:

  1. District Councillor Mrs J Cordwell submitted her written District Council Report. (See attached). The Council noted the contents of the Report. Cllr. Cordwell added that Stroud DC have now reported that Stroud DC were due to discuss the outcome of the Consultation stage of the District Council Core Strategy, which was commented upon by the Parish Council at their March 2010 Meeting (Minute 8/03/2010). The outcome was that A, B & D were the Council’s preferred Options.

  1. County Councillor Dr J Cordwell provided a written report. (See attached). The Council noted the contents of the Report. It was agreed that the Gloucestershire Electoral review should be placed on the January agenda to enable the Parish Council to comment on the Divisional arrangements.

  1. To Receive and Discuss Reports of Committees and Meetings attended by Parish Councillors

  1. The Council received and considered its response to the following Surveys:

Following discussion it was agreed that the Council would not send a response.

County Councillor Dr Cordwell commented that school transport for parish pupils attending KLB would not be affected by these decisions. Following discussion it was agreed that the Council would not send a response.

  1. Finances.

  1. The Council received copies of the Parish Council’s Approved Budget for 2011/12; and Draft Budgets for 2012/13 & 2013/14, which had been agreed at the November Meeting. (Minute 9(4)& (6)/11/2010).

  2. The Council agreed to sign-off the Year 2011/12 Precept Application for £12,000.

  3. The Council received and agreed a quote for £498.98 from Graham Beer Services to “clean-up footpaths; attend to trees as agreed; and cutback collapsed hedge” in the Cemetery. The Clerk advised the Council that the cost of most of this amount could be met from the Cemetery Budget and any balance would be covered by the Contingency Fund. The Clerk advised the Council that Mr Beer would be able to do the work in early January 2011. The Clerk was asked to instruct Mr Beer to carry out the work. It was suggested that the Council should consider getting the paths sprayed to help reduce future moss growth.

  4. The Council received and approved the following Invoices for payment. Cheques were duly made out:

  1. The Council received and approved a quote from TW Hawkins & Sons for grass cutting in the Cemetery in 2011. The Clerk reported that the 2009 price had been held for 2010 and that the quote for 2011 was a 3.2% increase on the 2009 price.

  2. The Clerk provided a written update on the Recreation Field loan. (See aside). The Clerk reported that this brought the balance of the account to “nil” and once the cheques had cleared he would close the Recreation Field Loan A/C.

  1. The Council considered what steps, if any, it should take in response to requests/proposals from District & County Councils for Parish Council to take on the delivery of services as a result of budget cuts by principal authorities. Following discussion the Council agreed that as they had no budget provision to take on additional responsibilities they would need to consider each matter as it presented.

  1. Cemetery Report. There was nothing to report.

  1. The Council received a written update on Correspondence received since the last Meeting. (See attached).

There being no further business the Meeting closed at 9.40pm.

The next Meeting of the Parish Council will be held at the Village Hall on Monday 10 January 2011 at 7.30 pm.