Present: Mrs EA James (Chairman); Mr D Purnell; Mrs A Hale; Mrs. P Kelly & Mr. D Palmer.

District Councillor: Mrs J Cordwell; & County Councillor Dr. J Cordwell

The Clerk: Mr R Symons.

Cemetery Clerk: Mrs M King.

Apologies. The following apologies were accepted: Mr K Brown; Mr R Smith; & District Councillors Mr. C. Routledge & Mr P Smith.

  1. Declaration of Interests. The Chairman invited members to declare any interests.

There were none.

  1. To Approve and Sign the Minutes of the Meeting held on 1 February 2010, as a true and accurate record.

The Minutes had previously been distributed to all members and displayed on public notice boards and websites. All members agreed that the Minutes should be signed as a true and accurate record. The Minutes were duly signed.

  1. The Council noted Matters arising from the Minutes that were not covered by agenda items. The Clerk’s Update Notes, which had been issued prior to the Meeting, informed the Council that:

  1. The Council received information about the latest Consultation Stages of the Stroud District Council Core Strategy; and went on to decide how it would submit its views to the District Council.

The Chairman brought forward agenda item 8 to enable the member of the public present to comment.

The Chairman pointed out that there is a meeting at Wotton under Edge Civic Centre on 2 March, to which all Parish Councillors were invited. There will also be a Public Exhibition at the Farmers Market at Wotton under Edge Town Hall on Saturday 6 March (10.00 am to 1.00 pm). Posters advertising this event have been displayed on the notice boards. Councillors were also reminded that anyone can submit their own views on-line.

As the Parish Council does not meet again before the Consultation period ends on 22 March, the Clerk presented the information which had been previously sent to the Council. It was agreed that the Parish Council should decide their preferred options and that the Clerk would draft a response for comment, which will be sent to all Councillors, prior to submission to the District Council.

Councillors expressed several views in favour of the various options. Options E,F&G, as set out in the Alternative Strategies Document, all included the possibility of substantial housing development within the Parish. Councillors were concerned that the potential outcome of these three Options could lead to a disproportionate increase in the size of North Nibley and create developments in the area outside of the village envelope. It was recognised and accepted that the Parish does need some Affordable Housing development, but not on the scale proposed under any of these options.

An objective, as set out in the Document, requires the creation of two employment opportunities per house developed. Councillors welcomed the potential of more local jobs being created, but were very sceptical about the possibility of creating the numbers envisaged in the Document as there were few sites in the Parish suitable and acceptable for business development. It was pointed out that the Document itself acknowledged these difficulties in relation to Options E,F&G.

Concerns were also expressed that the current infrastructure of schools, roads, public transport arrangements and other local facilities were insufficient to support any of the options which potentially included North Nibley

Following their discussion the Council voted on the Options and they agreed that the Council’s preferred options were: 1st equal Options B & D; 3rd Option A.

Following the Meeting on 2 March the Clerk would draft a reply on behalf of the Parish Council and send it to members for comment before submitting it to meet Stroud DC 22 March deadline.

  1. The Meeting was opened for Public Discussion and Questions.

There was none.

  1. There were no Planning Applications for the Council to consider.

  1. The Council noted that:

  1. Planning Consent has been granted in respect of:

The conditions placed upon the permission were read out by the Clerk.

(B) Listed Building Consent has been granted for the following application:

  1. The Council received a written District Council Report from District Councillor Mrs J Cordwell. (See attached).

  1. District Councillor Mr C Routledge did not submit a written report for this Meeting.

  1. The Council received a written District Council Report from District Councillor Mr P Smith. (See attached). Cllr. Smith was not in attendance, so it was agreed that any questions relating to his report should be deferred until the April Meeting.

  1. The Council received a written report from County Councillor Dr J Cordwell. (See attached). Cllr. Dr Cordwell was asked about his views on the proposed Severn Barrage. He explained that he had been involved in a Working Group on the topic, but that because he disagreed with the proposals he has since withdrawn from the Group.

  1. The Council received and discussed Reports of Committees and Meetings attended by Parish Councillors.

The Chairman invited Councillors to report back on any meetings they had attended.

  1. The Council discussed and agreed that the Agenda for the Annual Parish Meeting at 7.00pm on Monday 12 April 2010 will include the following topics:

  1. Finances.

Following discussions the Council agreed to pay and signed cheques for the following Invoices:

  1. Payment of expenses for Parish Plan Wine & Cheese evening and Coffee Morning, September 2009. (£40.00)

  2. Payment of GAPTC Annual Membership, due on 1 April 2010. (£164.40)

  3. Payment to GAPTC for a half-day training event on Council Insurance and Standing Orders. (£30.00)

  1. To Receive and Approve the Cemetery Report.

  1. Mrs King (Cemetery Clerk) reported that she had been speaking with Grimes and Goscombe regarding the two graves which were now ready for the replacement of their memorial stones. She reported progress in one case, but that the relatives of the deceased in the second grave were not in contact with Grimes and Goscombe and no progress has been made.

  1. The Clerk presented a paper to the Council to assist them in reviewing the charges the Council make for burials. The rates charged were last increased in April 2008. The Clerk reminded the Council that the cost of running the Cemetery had been met by income in the current year. The costs for grass cutting in 2010/11 were to be held at the 2009/10 price. Following the Clerk’s Recommendation it was agreed by the Council the Rates would be held at the current level and reviewed again in March 2011.

  1. The Council received, for information, details of Correspondence received. A written report was issued. (See attached).

Temporary closure of Forthay/Barrs Lane. The Clerk advised the Council that he had that day spoken with the contractors regarding the forthcoming closure, in three stages, of the road from Crowell Brook to Barrs Lane at the end of April/early May. He had secured assurances that residents would be still able to access their homes during this period but that there might be some delay on occasions. Also that it would be necessary for through traffic to use diversions. He had also alerted the contractors to the impact that stage 3 (Barrs Lane) would have on residents and the Village Shop and that he was awaiting further discussions with the contractor about this stage.

The Clerk also advised the Council that he had posted notices on the notice boards; and advised the Shop Manager of the plans to close Barrs Lane.

There being no further business the Meeting closed at 9.40pm.

The Chairman reminded Members that the next Meeting of the Parish Council will be held in the Village Hall on Monday 12 April at 8.30pm, following the Parish Meeting.